
This blog is for all those who are interested in all aspects of investing. We hope to build a friendly community of investors, to share opinions, advice, and to ultimately achieve success together. We will look at both fundamental and technical aspects of stocks to gain a market edge. We wish to explore the strategies, psychology, and philosophy in order to succeed at this game. Everyone is invited and encouraged to share their thoughts no matter how old, educated, or rich. Let's help each other to meet our financial goals.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's Official, I'm an Idiot!

My day went farely well until I got tired and decided to call it a day at noon when the action dried up. My mistake was FORGETTING TO CANCEL MY ORDER for LDK Solar! I initially had a buy order at $68 with the intention of scalping intraday and closing the position before Q3 earnings. Unbeknowingly, my fill got executed when I was counting my profit in my dreams. Immediately after waking up, I decided to find out how LDK did and what afterhours trading was like. They had only beaten guidance and estimates slightly so after hours. I was saying to myself, "that's why you lock in profit and don't gamble into earnings." I literally was feeling good about myself having executed my trading plan until it hit me, "$hit didn't I have a buy order at $68? LDK closing price was $66.33 and had traded as low as $58. I'm HOPING I can get out above $60 because I don't want to see this loss compounded. Although this mistake won't break me, its 30% of my portfolio right now because of the extra shares filled for daytrading. I might lose 5-7% of my assets if prices stay in $58-62. Although this comes as a huge blow to me, this has been a humbling experience and emotionally I feel fine...as long as the price goes to the mid-low $50s. I have a list of trading rules and I have obeyed them all to some degree. However, double checking your account status before sleeping is one I left off the list. It MAY become an expensive lesson, but there's a chance...we gap up...pweeez.

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