
This blog is for all those who are interested in all aspects of investing. We hope to build a friendly community of investors, to share opinions, advice, and to ultimately achieve success together. We will look at both fundamental and technical aspects of stocks to gain a market edge. We wish to explore the strategies, psychology, and philosophy in order to succeed at this game. Everyone is invited and encouraged to share their thoughts no matter how old, educated, or rich. Let's help each other to meet our financial goals.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Long FRPT as a Bounce Play

I didn't buy the stockcharts subscription since I'm a cheap bastard so here's a print screen annotation. Apparently it has been shorted based on a lot of rumors and speculation that the Iraq war will end soon so the company with receive less contracts. A head and shoulders pattern broke out on a technical level to also factor in momentum to the downside. I think a lot of manipulation is going around in this stock and the 'sharks' have been scooping up a lot of shares in the last two days. Stochastics are oversold and there is positive divergence in both the MACD histogram and the RSI. I think a purchase in the $8.75-$10 range is a great purchase with a stop below the trend line at $8.50 or so.

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