
This blog is for all those who are interested in all aspects of investing. We hope to build a friendly community of investors, to share opinions, advice, and to ultimately achieve success together. We will look at both fundamental and technical aspects of stocks to gain a market edge. We wish to explore the strategies, psychology, and philosophy in order to succeed at this game. Everyone is invited and encouraged to share their thoughts no matter how old, educated, or rich. Let's help each other to meet our financial goals.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Get a Trading/Investment Mentor

I guarantee you will learn something new in terms of financial awareness and discipline. Whether or not you agree or disagree, another trader's insight gives you knowledge and there is no substitute for education. You may even find a new friend to bounce ideas and trades with. Developing a good relationship with another trader is an investment itself and you should not have to pay for the advice given unless you want to. A mentor doesn't necessarily have to be physically available to you. All the traders on the videos I post are my teachers and so are the several traders on message boards that I bounce ideas with. Don't be embarrassed to question or criticize because we all will learn something, as long as it is in a polite and respectful manner. It's a win-win situation for both parties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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